Got a Need? God's got a miracle!


Leave your prayer request here. I will pray and believe God for a Miracle.

God answers all prayers.

Believe and see the power of God through prayer!

Send me a prayer request!

Have some problem? The Web ben' gettin' you down? Let me pray for you.

The myriad of human afflliction is only briefly represented here.

Got cancer? Gonna die? Let me pray for you.

Your particular problem may not be represented on this page.

Desire a spiritual gift?

The point is not to be afraid but to ask. Let's pray.

Need a spouse?

I have seen some miraclulous answers here because of prayer. I remember one confirmed bachelor who was having a problem with temptation due to his particular ministry. We prayed and believed God for a miracle. It took awhile but he is now married with children and starting his own chruch.

Can't have children?

I have seen some pretty miraculous things here. I prayed in the isle in a local supermarket with a woman who had been without child for ten years. She was contemplating a surgical procedure. The prayer convinced her to follow through. The baby was born after many hormone shots and is healthy and well. P.O. Box 700585 Miami, Florida 33170-585 Send me a prayer request!

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"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellancy of the power may be of God, and not us." Let's pray! 2 Cor 4:7 KJV