
Want to go to Greece?

Jimmy Zacharious in Athens is the Pastor of an Assembly of God Church

Father forgive me of all my sins. Wash me with the water and blood of your son. I believe Jesus Christ of Nazareth is your son, the Son of God. I believe with all my heart that Jesus was raised from the dead. Send Jesus Christ of Nazareth into my heart. I renounce satan and all the works of the devil. I pledge to follow Jesus all the days of my life call Jesus of Nazareth Lord. In Jesus name I pray.

God's got a miracle!

Body, mind and soul.

God answers all prayers.

Believe and see the power of God  P.O. Box 700585 Miami, Florida 33170-0585Drop me a line! Let me know if you said that prayer and meant it.

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"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellancy of the power may be of God, and not us." 2 Cor 4:7 KJV