Confidentiality Confidentiality Confidentiality

In order to know what to pray for you will have to tell me. I pledge absolute confidentiality of all prayer requests and claim priestly priviledge to the authorities regarding the divulgence of any prayer request or information of a personal nature that might result in the incarceration or arrest of any individual divulging such infomation.

In other words my lips are sealed :)

However be forewarned if any information you reveal to me in any way can be interpreted as a threat that I believe can and will be carried out that will result in the future death, injury, disfigurement or bodily harm of any individual, compromise the safety and security of the United States of America I am required by law to inform the authorities of such impending harm. Remember I love you, James.

back to page one! "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellancy of the power may be of God, and not us." 2 Cor 4:7 KJV