
French Missionary

My french missionary lives i nParis.

You haven't lived until you've experieced church in France. My wife and I won't forget our communion in Paris. Pastor Henry Linderman was present and everyone was saying stuff. We are pentacostal but were weren't ready for what transpired next. NOrmally communion is very quiet in America, but ehre in Paris it seemed a little pandemonious. Later Pastor Henry Linderman said not everyone was prophecing at once but was merely giving thanks to God for what he had doen for them. We enjoyed it and hoep to return for another service soemday. Please pray for my French missionary friend and huis wife and churches he has started in Paris pastor Henry Linderman.

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"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellancy of the power may be of God, and not us." 2 Cor 4:7 KJV